Peelaway Marine Testimonials

Haemony - Owner Jamie Bardolf-Smith from Rattery, Devon

A 36 ft Moody Halberdier built in 1980 undergoing complete restoration in Baltic Wharf Boatyard Totnes.

Estimates 14 layers of old Anti-foul in patchy peaks & troughs/craters. 

Jamie said “ I tried caustic stripper which was ineffective as it took a layer at a time and I got burned by dry scrapings despite full PPE. Peelaway Marine takes the agony out of doing it by hand”

Sobek - Owner Richard Hunn of Devon Boatworks

A 34 foot racing yacht with badly worn Anti-foul needing replacement. Peelaway Marine was used with precise timing to strip back to the primer layer in just 6 hours.

Owner Richard Hunn said "I’m really pleased with Peelaway Marine and I can see the benefits commercially".

